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About Me

Introducing Myself

Hi, my name is Pattana Somroob (pattes3dogs). I am a scientist and software developer. For me, there is no specialized field of career. Instead, I classify myself as a "deep specialist" who is specialized than a generalist and wide-range of skill more than a specialist.

Recently, I has been finished Ph.D. in physics. My research topic is condensed matters.

I am curious about complex system science, which includes physics, mathematics, economics, ecology, neuroscience and so on. In addition, my hobby is game development, which includes digital art, digital music and game programing.

Now, I am working on my own web application and retail algo trading project.

Technical Skill:

  • Fluent in Python programming.
  • Rust Programming.
  • Web technology with Django webframework and JavaScript(React.js).
  • Can operate Linux server.
  • Can query data from Database via SQL and Python ORM.
  • Can manipulate, clean and visualization data using Python(especially timeseries data).
  • Familiar with Git workflow.
  • Can design and operate the Clould computing infrastructure on AWS.
  • Can operate the Raspberry Pi and Edge computing device in an IOT project.
  • Skillfull on Web Scraping and automation using Selenium on Python.