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· One min read

Hi. For a while, I have learned about MLOPs in Coursera. It is very Interesting area of work, because it containing very thing that I need to known for increasing realiability for my own automate trading system.

MLOps is a set of Ideas for create Machine learning for production, which also contain DataOps, DevOps. In the past, for me, I created a Machine Learning model, and then move to my personal trading system without any mandatory approch, sometime it causes my app broken down. For now I can design more robustness application that can apply Machine Learning mode with a systemtic workflow.

In the course that I have been taken are mainly focused on cloud computing platform. Personally, I have lots of experience in AWS, however I still lag of ideas for creating a robust system for my retail trading system.

Here, These next blogs, I will shared my ideas and implementations of MLOps concept on my own retail automate trading system on AWS.

To be continue...

· 2 min read

Hi, my name is Pattana Somroob. You can know me more on readme page of this site.

First, I appreciate to introduce my blog on For me, sharing stuffs that I was learn is particularly important for my learning process. Just only reading and get course certificates is not sufficient for proficiency things, at least can recall what I learned are collect. This is an illusion of competence. To avoid this, I created this web blog to improve my learning outcome. To do so, I will write blogs or lecture notes for my learning process. In addition, I hope that my site will share my knowledge and contribute learning community.

My interesting fields of study are complex system science. This kind of science is wide range of knowledge that integrated of mathematics, engineering (multi-disciplinary), science and computation. In addition, I am also fascinated in simulation visualization and game development. Making a virtual life and computation simulation is remarkably interesting. Moreover, my personal curiosity is algorithmic trading.

Currently, I am working on software development. Therefore, I may share some IT tutorials on this web blog too.

Here, this is my first writting on the blogs, it is just a greeting. I hope that this site will have more contents soon.

See you next time :)