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What I have learned on MLOps

· One min read

Hi. For a while, I have learned about MLOPs in Coursera. It is very Interesting area of work, because it containing very thing that I need to known for increasing realiability for my own automate trading system.

MLOps is a set of Ideas for create Machine learning for production, which also contain DataOps, DevOps. In the past, for me, I created a Machine Learning model, and then move to my personal trading system without any mandatory approch, sometime it causes my app broken down. For now I can design more robustness application that can apply Machine Learning mode with a systemtic workflow.

In the course that I have been taken are mainly focused on cloud computing platform. Personally, I have lots of experience in AWS, however I still lag of ideas for creating a robust system for my retail trading system.

Here, These next blogs, I will shared my ideas and implementations of MLOps concept on my own retail automate trading system on AWS.

To be continue...